Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The 41 hottest guys in tech

1. Alec Saunders, VP, developer relations, BlackBerry
Alec Saunders
First he wooed us with a stirring lip-synched cover of REO Speedwagon’s “Keep On Loving You,” and then he sealed the deal with a loin-rattling faux rendition of Etta James’ “At Last.” It’s almost enough to make us buy a BlackBerry.
2. Larry Ellison, Oracle CEO
Larry Ellison
The man has a smoldering gaze so intense it seared off his eyebrows.
3. Jeff Bridges, actor from the movie “Tron”
Jeff Bridges
You just know you want a piece of his hard disk.
4. Vladimir Putin, President of Russia 
Vladimir Putin
Okay, so he vetoed a law that would have been helpful to Russia’s answer to Silicon Valley,Skolkovo, but he did pilot a hand-glider on a failed attempt to guide a flock of cranes to safety. That’s high-tech enough to warrant inclusion in this list. Also, pecs.
5. Al Gore’s beard (deceased)
Al Gore beard
Admit it – if Al Gore’s saucy follicles didn’t exist, there’d be no Internet.
6. Kevin Roose, tech writer for New York magazine
Kevin Roose
Oh, wait, you thought we meant Kevin Rose?
7. Kevin Rose, founder of
Kevin Rose
Yep, this guy.
8. The cast of Game of Thrones
Game of Thrones cast
Hey, pretty much all of them use iPhones.
9. Henry Blodget, Business Insider CEO
Henry Blodget 2
Token ginger.
10. Greg Kumparak, TechCrunch reporter
Greg Kumparak
Can you deny those puppy-dog eyes? Okay then, how about the puppy?
11. Robert Scoble, not really sure what his job is
Robert Scoble
No description required.
12. Woz
The sexiest half of Apple’s founding team.
13. Matt Mullenweg, WordPress founder
Matt Mullenweg
Actual hot guy. I cannot get my girlfriend to stop talking about him. “He’s soooo cute!”
14. David Holmes, PandoDaily reporter
David Holmes
He’s like a cuter Ashton Kutcher!
15. Ashton Kutcher, actor
Ashton Kutcher
He’s a passable likeness for David Holmes!
16. Astro Teller, captain of moonshots at Google[x]
Astro Teller
17. Justin Timberlake, pop star, actor, golf course owner, MySpace investor
Justin Timberlake
Okay, he got a bit weird after he went all Sean Parker-y, but nothing can touch the freshness of his ‘N Sync days. Sexy didn’t need to be brought back, JT – it was already brung.
18. Jay Rosen and Clay Shirky, journalists and academics
Jay Rosen Clary Shirky
Possibly the same person? Just throwing it out there.
19–25. These Facebook employees
Facebook staff
Just a small sampling of the tasty treats cloistered away at 1 Hacker Way.
 26. MG Siegler, venture capitalist
MG Siegler
According to his Twitter profile, Siegler roams “the badlands” – which are apparently, like, somewhere between SOMA and Steve Jobs’ backyard. If you don’t find that hot, you’re probably not breathing.
27. Bill Gates, Microsoft founder, philanthropist
Bill Gates
Lovely smile, but it’s those anti-malarial eyes that put him over the top.
28. Evgeny Morozov, academic and writer
Evgeny Morozov
Possessor of relentlessly cheerful disposition. Dontcha just wanna squeeze him?
29. Julian Frachtman, dude
Julian Frachtman
Successfully re-installed Microsoft Office 97 on my computer in high school.
30. Justin Bieber, pop-star, Vanilla Ice impersonator
Justin Bieber
Nothing is sexier than 36 million Twitter followers. Well, except maybe puberty.
31. Kaifu Lee, founder of Innovation Works and ex-President of Google China
Kaifu Lee
Perfect helmet hair.
32. Nick Denton, owner of Gawker Media
Nick Denton
Amid all the kerfuffle over his sprawling media enterprise, and subsequent New Yorker profile, there’s one salient fact about Nick Denton that most commentators are way too politically correct to mention: he is the hottest media proprietor on Elizabeth Street. No, make that the hottest media proprietor in SoHo – ever. (Ref.)
33. Slade Sohmer, founder of HyperVocal
Slade Sohmer
Once compared the author of this post to Joel McHale. Token former executive producer for Lou Dobbs. (Check him out on Twitter.)
34. Jerry Moran, US Senator
Jerry Moran
Hottest advocate for high-skilled immigration that Capitol Hill has seen since John Adams.
35. Om Malik, owner of GigaOm
Om Malik
So hot that in the film “Shattered Glass” he was played by Rosario Dawson.
36. This spot intentionally left  blank
37. MC Hammer, rapper, entrepreneur
MC Hammer
Probably by this point he’d be open to anyone touching it. Works for us!
38. Josh Kopelman, First Round Capital
Josh Kopelman
We hear he likes it Gangnam Style. (Disclosure: Kopelman is an investor in PandoDaily but had no idea this list was being compiled.)
39. Ryan Gosling, actor
Once owned a Geocities page. (Probably.)
40. Kevin Rose, partner at Google Ventures
Kevin Rose
This entry included by error.
41. Jonah Peretti, CEO of BuzzFeed
Jonah Peretti

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